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About: Map + Moodle

Description | How do I use the Map? | How do I use Moodle? | Help | Credits

Target audience: students, educators, mentors, staff, potential students, sponsors, and press


  • To form a virtual community and encourage telecollaboration as the organization grows geographically
  • See the scope of the organization visually
  • Provide a fun way of accessing and exchanging information
  • For existing students to learn what other students are researching, communicate, who and what resources are located near them

The map will encourage students to explore research and form an online community to exchange information. This will also supplement the meetings that occur during the year as a large group. It will encourage students to continue communication after meetings, and foster friendship. Through the exchange of knowledge, students can have a better understanding of each other culturally. Also, as the organization grows in terms of location that spans across the country and throughout the world, this will be the most convenient way to communicate and see what other branches of Harlem Children Society (HCS) are doing. The map will provide a better way to accessing, visualizing the archived data, and encourage communication. The map is just the beginning to engage students, sponsors, and the public to see what the students have accomplished.

To facilitate communication, an online communication system has been created in the form of a forum for students, mentors, and others to exchange information. Graduates of the program who have entered into college can keep in touch with the organization, give advice to students, and perhaps in the future become mentors themselves.

Further improvements will be made as students and users give feedback. Please feel free to share your comments by posting on the Knowledge Exchange blog or submit comments and suggestions:

How to use the map:

The interactive map will be programmed with the help of the Google Map API. The location of HCS branches will contain the HCS icon marker, school locations, and research institutions. When you click on the school marker, a popup dialogue box will contains the following: school, featured student, picture, more student names, link to their profile (research). When the HCS Wing locations or research institutions are clicked, you can following information: website and address information. You can drag the map around, zoom in, zoom out, change views to satellite or hybrid view.

How do I use Moodle?

Moodle (similar to Blackboard) This is how you will submit files, receive documents and info from staff. Subscribe to the news forum- this is how we will communicate with you. Every time we post things, a message will be sent to you.

1) Go to:
2) Click on HCS07 and create a new account if you don't have one already.
3) Fill in a username, please use your first initial and last name.
Example Jane Doe would be: jdoe
(if you get an error message that someone else has an account already with that user name, then add a number to it like jdoe2)
4) Fill in your REAL first and last name and an email account that you use. If we don't recognize your name, we will delete your account.
5) Check your email and confirm.
6) Go back to and click on HCS07.
7) Log in and sign up for HCS07 course. Feel free to explore the course site.
8) course enrollment key (we told you during orientation, please email staff if you don't remember)
9) Subscribe to the news forum.
10) Remember to log out when you are done.

General questions-post to the Moodle forum, for specific questions: The staff will answer you within 24hrs either on the forum or email.

Help for Students using Moodle:

*Remember, anything you post on the forum is available for HCS students and staff. Please use appropriate language. HCS reserves the right to moderate, edit, and remove inappropriate content.

Questions/still need more help? Send email to:

Credits: The HCS map and forum was programmed by Sha Sha Feng with open source technology: Google Map API and Moodle.


HCS Wing Research Institution
HCS Wing - coming soon School
© 2006